Travancore Caper
Dusky Fire-Brand Teak
Spherical Rattlepod
Hornbeam-Leaved Crossberry
Strawberry Fields Gomphrena
Starry Schefflera
Three-Leaf Walsura
Bicolor Caralluma
Graceful Snake-Tongue Grass
Agastyamala Twisted-Flower
Deccan Bulb-Leaf Orchid
Nilgiri Belly-Lip Orchid
Bamboo-Leaf Dendrobium
Fragrant Opilia
Hairy-Root Luisia
Wedge-Leaf Sida
Panicled Varshiki
Petal-less Caper
Pinkish-White Dendrobium
Bark-Flower Humboldtia
Trailing Sesban
Meadow Eulophia
Travancore Asystasia
White Flame-Acanthus
Common Poppy
Woolly Begonia
Jungle Guava
Yellow Star of Bethlehem
Malabar Paddle-Pod
Black-Flowered Varnish Tree
Tapering-Leaf Wool-Flower
Graceful Zeuxine
Woolly Germander
Malabar Ironwood
Chestnutleaf Top-Fruit Tree
Ceylon Croton
Indian Toadflax
Reversed Clover
Slender Salsify
Epidendrum Eulophia
Tidy Tips
Three-Leaf Cadaba
Kanara Kurinji
South Indian Suregada
Prickly Waterlily
Niepa Bark Tree
Australian Chestnut
Hornbeam Leaved Melochia
Long-Raceme Chiretta
Heart-Leaf Balsam
Single-Flowered Orophea
Hard-Fruit Alphonsea
Woolly-Fruit Miliusa
Sword-Leaf Habenaria
Fern-Leaf Grevillea
Malabar Humboldtia
Scaredy Cat Plant
Indian Balm of Gilead
Nilgiri Actephila
Nilgiri Disperis