Blushing Bromeliad is an eye-catching bromeliad
which has an interesting way of turning red at it's center when it's
about to flower, which is where the common name (blushing) is derived
from. Blushing bromeliad has a rosette of narrow large strap like,
lanceshaped and sawtoothed leaves. These leaves arch over, grow to
about 1 ft long, and the whole rosette has a flattened effect. The
carolinae tricolor has the most attractive leaves from this species,
which have green and whitish colored stripes along the length of each
leaf. The center of the plant will turn a very deep pinkish red color
before flowers bloom. The cluster of tiny non-showy flowers which are
violet in color, eventually make their way out of the small bracts. The
flowers are not very noticeable, and it is the foliage and the center
turning red that's the real attraction of this plant. Blushing
Bromeliad is native to Brazil, cultivated in colder parts of India.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Gangtok, Sikkim.
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