Results of Search in Flowers of India

Search mode: "AND" "OR"
Query: rubiaceae
Search time: 0.0005 sec.

Found: rubiaceae-181

  1. Coffea liberica
    Liberian Coffee

  2. Neohymenopogon parasiticus
    Parasitic Mussaenda

  3. Ixora roxburghii
    East-Himalayan Ixora

  4. Ixora polyantha
    Many-Flowered Ixora

  5. Mussaenda macrophylla
    Round-Petal Mussaenda

  6. Posoqueria longiflora
    Needle Flower Tree

  7. Gardenia carinata
    Golden Gardenia

  8. Morinda citrifolia
    Great Morinda

  9. Pavetta indica
    Indian Pavetta

  10. Ceriscoides turgida
    Mountain Gardenia

  11. Hexasepalum tere
    Rough Buttonweed

  12. Gardenia jasminoides

  13. Hydrophylax maritima
    East-Indian Water-Bluet

  14. Kohautia gracilis
    Graceful Snake-Tongue Grass

  15. Mitragyna rotundifolia
    Roundleaf Kadamb

  16. Gardenia coronaria
    Crown Gardenia

  17. Kohautia aspera
    Rough Diamond Flower

  18. Leptopetalum biflorum
    Two-Flower Slender-Petal

  19. Leptodermis stapfiana
    East-Himalayan Leptodermis

  20. Spermacoce hispida
    Shaggy Buttonweed

Found 181 files.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

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