Results of Search in Flowers of India

Search mode: "AND" "OR"
Query: rubiaceae
Search time: 0.0005 sec.

Found: rubiaceae-183

  1. Acranthera grandiflora
    Large-Flowered Acranthera

  2. Morinda coreia
    Indian Mulberry

  3. Mussaenda erythrophylla
    Ashanti Blood

  4. Mycetia mukerjiana
    East-Indian Mycetia

  5. Discospermum apiocarpum
    Pear-Fruited Discospermum

  6. Hedyotis cyanantha
    Blue Hedyotis

  7. Catesbaea spinosa
    Lily Thorn

  8. Hymenodictyon obovatum
    Kadwa Sirid

  9. Wendlandia glabrata
    Smooth Wendlandia

  10. Leptodermis kumaonensis
    Kumaon Leptodermis

  11. Ixora elongata
    Rosy Ixora

  12. Clarkella nana
    Dwarf Clarkella

  13. Saprosma foetens subsp. ceylanicum
    Ceylon Saprosma

  14. Tarenna asiatica
    Asiatic Tarenna

  15. Guettarda speciosa
    Beach Gardenia

  16. Argostemma sarmentosum
    Variable-Leaf Corn-Cockle

  17. Exallage auricularia
    Eared-Leaf Diamond Flower

  18. Argostemma courtallense
    South-Indian Corn-Cockle

  19. Ophiorrhiza pectinata
    Comb Snake Root

  20. Nostolachma triflorum
    Khasi Coffee

Found 183 files.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

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