Results of Search in Flowers of India

Search mode: "AND" "OR"
Query: jacaranda
Search time: 0.0005 sec.

Found: jacaranda-55

  1. Jacaranda obtusifolia ssp. rhombifolia
    Fern Leaf Jacaranda

  2. Jacaranda mimosifolia
    Blue Jacaranda

  3. Parkia biglandulosa
    Badminton Ball Tree

  4. Tecoma stans var. angustata
    Narrow-Leaf Yellow Bells

  5. Tecoma castanifolia
    Chestnutleaf Trumpetbush

  6. Kigelia africana
    Sausage Tree

  7. Crescentia alata
    Mexican Calabash

  8. Amphilophium buccinatorium
    Mexican Blood-Trumpet

  9. Tipuana tipu
    Tipu Tree

  10. Tabebuia rosea
    Rosy Trumpet Tree

  11. Tabebuia pallida
    Pale Trumpet Tree

  12. Handroanthus chrysanthus subsp. meridionalis
    Midday Yellow Trumpet

  13. Tecoma capensis
    Cape Honeysuckle

  14. Catalpa bignonioides
    Indian Bean Tree

  15. Campsis radicans
    Trumpet Creeper

Found 55 files.

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