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FOI search results

Results of Search in Flowers of India

Search mode: "AND" "OR"
Query: deciduous
Search time: 0.0028 sec.

Found: deciduous-465

  1. Terminalia neotaliala
    Madagascar Almond Tree

  2. Shorea robusta

  3. Mussaenda treutleri
    Open-Cyme Mussaenda

  4. Leonurus sibiricus

  5. Hydrangea macrophylla

  6. Magnolia x alba
    White Champa

  7. Moringa oleifera
    Drumstick Tree

  8. Albizia procera
    White Siris

  9. Pterolobium hexapetalum
    Indian Redwing

  10. Holarrhena pubescens

  11. Cyathula tomentosa
    Woolly Pastureweed

  12. Sabia lanceolata
    Lanceleaf Sabia

  13. Plumeria x stenopetala
    Narrow Petal Frangipani

  14. Tectona grandis

  15. Begonia griffithiana
    East-Himalayan Begonia

  16. Excoecaria agallocha
    Blinding Tree

  17. Cotoneaster hedegaardii
    Nepal Cotoneaster

  18. Berberis lycium
    Indian Lycium

  19. Laburnum anagyroides
    Common Laburnum

  20. Liparis plantaginea
    Plantain Liparis

Found 465 files.

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