Results of Search in Flowers of India

Search mode: "AND" "OR"
Query: aster
Search time: 0.0008 sec.

Found: aster-452

  1. Erigeron emodi
    Himalayan Daisy

  2. Senecio edgeworthii
    Hiwali Sonki

  3. Helichrysum buddleioides
    Butterfly-Bush Golden Cudweed

  4. Tanacetum cinerariifolium
    Dalmatian Chrysanthemum

  5. Artemisia indica
    Indian Wormwood

  6. Pluchea indica
    Indian Camphor-Weed

  7. Dahlia coccinea
    Scarlet Dahlia

  8. Eleutheranthera ruderalis

  9. Bidens biternata
    Yellow Flowered Blackjack

  10. Ligularia amplexicaulis
    Stem Clasping Ligularia

  11. Cyanthillium albicans
    Western Ghats Vernonia

  12. Thymophylla tenuiloba
    Dahlberg Daisy

  13. Jacobaea maritima
    Dusty Miller

  14. Cirsium verutum
    Common Thistle

  15. Ageratina adenophora

  16. Artemisia dubia
    East-Asian Wormwood

  17. Soroseris hookeriana
    Hairy Soroseris

  18. Leontopodium nanum
    Tiny Edelweiss

  19. Argyranthemum frutescens
    Marguerite Daisy

  20. Zinnia elegans

Found 452 files.

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