Winged Boot Tree is a tree, up to 20 m tall, bark
grey-brown. Leaves are simple, alternate; stipules about 6 mm long,
subulate, cauducous; leaf-stalk 3-10 cm long, slender; blade 10-15 x
7-12 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong, base heart-shaped, tip pointed or
tapering, margin entire, hairless above, velvet-hairy beneath,
leathery; 5-7-ribbed from the base, palmate, prominent, intercostae
scalariform. Flowers are polygamous, in umbellate panicles at
branch-ends; sepal-cup 1.5 x 4 cm, bell-shaped, hairless, tepals 5,
lanceshaped; stamens 10 or 8, united to form a staminal column,
velvet-hairy below; ovary superior, 5, free, stalkless, gibbous at
base; styles short. Fruit is a follicle, 5-9 x 1.8-2.5 cm, boat shaped
with a pouch-like bulging at base, hairless, membranous, 2-lobed, lower
broad, round, upper linear, blunt, hairless, splitting before maturity
to release the lone seed. Seed is 1 cm long, basal, ellipsoid to ovoid.
Winged Boot Tree is found in Andaman islands, parts of NE India and SE
Identification credit: Akshay Surendra
Photographed in McCarthy Valley, Bajalungta, Middle Andaman, Andaman and Nicobar.
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