Wavy-Leaf Ixora is a large evergreen shrub or a small
tree, easily recognized by its elliptic or lanceshaped leaves with wavy
margins. Leaves are 10-22 x 4-7 cm, pointed or tapering, leaf-stalk
0.5-1.5 cm. Flowers are borne in flat-topped stalked clusters, 10-20 cm
long and broad, with leafy bracts. Flowers are small, white, sweet
scented, flower-stalk about 1.5 mm long; bracts and bracteoles
persistent. Sepals are short, equalling the sepal-cup, less than 1 mm,
pointed. Flower-tube is 6-8 mm long; petals 4-5 mm long, reflexed,
oblong-linear, blunt, throat naked. Stamens are 4; filaments about 1 mm
long, with anthers almost as long as the petals. Style protrudes out,
stigma 2-partite. Fruit is stalked, size of a pea. Wavy-Leaf Ixora is
found in East-Himalayan foothills, from Nepal to NE India and Myanmar.
Flowering: April-May.
Identification credit: J.M. Garg
Photographed in Chandel, Manipur.
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