Two-Horned Habenaria is a terrestrial orchid up to
40-50 cm tall with stalkless, oblong, up to 5 cm long, tuberoids.
Flowers are erect, appressed to the axis, green or yellowish-green.
Tepals are 5 mm long; dorsal sepal forming a hood with petals,
ovate-concave, about 3 mm broad; lateral sepals obliquely
ovate-lanceshaped, deflexed; petals are oblong-lanceshaped, curved. Lip
is 3-parted above base, about 7 mm long, yellowish-green; side-lobes
thread-like, spreading, slightly longer than the linear deflexed
mid-lobe. Spur is 8-10 mm long, shorter than ovary, slightly inflated
towards the tip. Leaves are 2, basal, almost opposite, stalkless,
round, 4-8 cm long, lying flat on ground, dark green with pale colored
spots, slightly velvet-hairy above. Stem has several small, appressed
sheaths slightly velvet-hairy above. Inflorescence is somewhat dense,
almost one-sided. Bracts are lanceshaped, shorter than ovary.
Two-Horned Habenaria is found in Afghanistan to the Himalayas to S.
Central China and N. Myanmar, at altitudes of at altitudes of 2100-4300
m. Flowering: July-August.
Identification credit: Jambey Tsering
Photographed in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.
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