Tropical Sensitive Pea is a glandular-hairy annual herb, growing up to 60
cm tall. Leaf stalks are up to 4 cm, without a gland. Leaves are compound
with 2 pairs of opposite leaflets with a gland on the main rib between
each pair. Flowers are borne at the end of branches. Petals are 5-6 mm,
yellow, orange, salmon or pinkish-red with reddish-brown veins. Stamens
are 5, nearly equal, filaments straight. Pods are 3-6 cm long, flat.
Tropical Sensitive Pea is found in disturbed grassland or open woodland,
also on roadsides, and former cultivated areas.
Medicinal uses:
In many parts of Africa and Asia the powdered seeds or seed extracts
are sprinkled on the eye to treat eye diseases such as conjunctivitis and
cataracts. The powdered seeds are also taken to treat diabetes and chlorosis.
Identification credit: N. S. Dungriyal
Photographed in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
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