Sword-Leaf Ceropegia is a hairless twiner with tuber
2.5 cm across, nearly spherical. Leaves are up to 10 x 0.5 cm,
linear-lanceshaped, tapering, base narrowed into a short leaf-stalk.
Flowers are borne in cymes 5-10 cm long, in leaf-axils, velvet-hairy.
Flowers are green, few together; sepals 4 x 1 mm, lanceshaped; flower
tube 1.5 cm long, slightly swollen below, narrow above; lobes 1.5 cm
long, oblong, hairless; outer corona 2 mm across, lobes triangular,
fringed with hairs; inner corona spoon-shaped, 1.5 mm long, fringed
with hairs towards base. Sword-Leaf Ceropegia is endemic to Southern
Western Ghats. Flowering: August-October.
Identification credit: S. Jeevith
Photographed in The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
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