Striped Bulb-Leaf Orchid is a mini-miniature sized
orchid, growing on rocks, with a slender, woody rhizome with 2-6 cm
between each pear-shaped to ovoid, rugose, purple pseudobulbs. The
plant carryies a single, erect, leathery, elliptic flat leaf with many
veins, green above, purple blotched below, with a stalked base. The
plant blooms in the fall arising from the rhizome or the pseduobulb
base on a shorter than the leaf, slender, 2-4 flowered inflorescence,
5-8 cm long, umbel- to short-raceme-like, erect, strongly basally
recurved. It has tubular basal sheaths and the upper ones distant,
lanceshaped and pointed and has linear, pointed floral bract. Flowers
are inverted, fully opening almost simultaneously, light greenish or
yellowish green, veins purple, lip whitish green or yellow with purple
lines; flower-stalk and ovary 10-17 mm. Dorsal sepal recurved,
elliptic to ovate, 9-12 x 3.3-4.5 mm; lateral sepals free, oblique,
triangular, 8.5-13.5 x 3.5-5 mm. Petals are recurved, elliptic to
ovate-triangular, 4.5-7 x 1.8-2.4 mm. Striped Bulb-Leaf Orchid is
found in Eastern Himalayas, from NE India to Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, N
Vietnam and Yunnan, at altitudes of 1000-2300 m. Flowering:
Identification credit: Hussain Barbhuiya
Photographed in Kaziranga Orchid & Biodiversity Park, Assam.
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