Stout Snow Lotus
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Stout Snow Lotus
P Native Photo: Jikmat Stanzin
Common name: Stout Snow Lotus
Botanical name: Saussurea schultzii    Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)
Synonyms: Theodorea schultzii

Stout Snow Lotus hairless or velvet-hairy perennial her with stem stout simple, 15-40 cm, often colored, leaves toothed, basal, narrowed into a very stout leaf-stalk, linear-oblong pointed, midrib very thick. Stem leaves are half stem-clasping, tapering, floral leaves short boat-shaped membranous partially enclosing the numerous crowded silkily hairy heads. Involucral bracts are blackish lanceshaped tapering, pappus brown outer bristles rough. Leaves are 7-12 by 1.2-3.7 cm, leathery, coarsely toothed; floral 2.5-5 cm long, often as broad and rosy. Heads 1.2-2.5 cm diameter, stalks short, stout, densely woolly; involucral bracts with very slender tips, florets 1.2 cm, anther-tails short woolly. Pappus is whiter than that in Brahma Kamal. Stout Snow Lotus is found in N Pakistan to W Himalaya and W Tibet, at altitudes of 4600-5600 m.

Identification credit: Jikmat Stanzin Photographed in Fokar Valley, Kargil, Ladakh.

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