Sprawling Locoweed
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Sprawling Locoweed
P Native Photo: Krishan Lal
Common name: Sprawling Locoweed
Botanical name: Oxytropis humifusa    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Oxytropis lapponica var. humifusa, Oxytropis glacialis

Sprawling Locoweed is a perennial herb, with root-stock woody; aerial stem much reduced, rhizome branched and covered with persistent leaf bases and stipules. Flowers are bright purple with white markings, borne in stalked heads, flower-cluster-stalk about 2-11 cm; bracts about 2-3 mm; flower-stalk about 1 mm. Sepal-cup is about 6-7.5 mm, teeth about 2.5 mm. Vexillum is about 1-1.2 cm; wing 1.1 cm; keel about 0.9-1 cm. Leaves are about 2.5-7.0 cm long, compound, leaf-stalk about 7-25 mm, leaflets 13-23; nearly stalkless, about 2-6 mm long, about 2.5 mm or less broad, entire, pointed-blunt, densely hairy on both sides. Sprawling Locoweed is found in Central Asia to Himalaya, at altitudes of 3900-4800 m. Flowering: June-September.

Identification credit: Krishan Lal Photographed in Baralacha La, Himachal Pradesh.

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