Spiked Pouch-Lip Orchid
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Spiked Pouch-Lip Orchid
P Native Photo: Jambey Tsering
Common name: Spiked Pouch-Lip Orchid, Spiked Bladder Orchid
Botanical name: Pomatocalpa spicatum    Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Synonyms: Cleisostoma crassum, Pomatocalpa mannii, Saccolabium setulense

Spiked Pouch-Lip Orchid is a small sized, tree-dwelling orchid with a thick stem carrying 4 to many, strap-shaped, broadly and unequally rounded apically, leathery, wavy margined leaves. The plant blooms in the late winter, spring and summer on a simple or sparsly few branched, pendant, stout, short up to 17 cm long, densely many flowered spike with the flowers held at the tip in a clump with successively opening, somewhat cup-shaped flowers. Flowers are waxy yellow, rather fleshy, dorsal sepal with 2 brown bands at base, lateral sepals with U-shaped brown spots at base and with 2 brown bands above middle, petals with 2 brown bands at base; flower-stalk and ovary about 2.5 mm. Dorsal sepal is obovate, about 5 x 2 mm, lateral sepals incurved, about 4.5 x 2.5 mm. Petals are obovate-elliptic, about 3 x 1.8 mm. Lip is 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect, ovate; mid-lobe kidney-shaped-triangular or almost rhombic, about 1.5 x 1.5 mm, fleshy, tip blunt; spur spherical, about 2 x 2 mm, inside with a strap-shaped bilobed-tipped appendage on back wall and a pair of calli near base of disk. Spiked Pouch-Lip Orchid is found in E. Himalaya to Hainan and SE Asia, including the Andaman Islands. Flowering: April.

Identification credit: Jambey Tsering Photographed in Tippi, West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh.

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