Siberian Swallow-Wort is a perennial twining plant,
branches slightly velvet-hairy when young, becoming hairless. Flowers
are purplish or white, petals about 4-5 mm long, linear, pointed to
blunt. Corona 5 lobed, lobes broad, with a tail, with tongue-like
process near base within. Sepal-cup is 1.5-2 mm long, white minutely
hairy, teeth triangular, cup very small. Flowers are borne in stalked
cymes in leaf-axils. Flower-cluster-stalks are 1-6 cm long,
flower-stalks 5-10 mm long. Leaves are 2-15 x 1.5-10 cm, eared to
heart-shaped, lobes rounded, tip pointed, hairless to nearly so.
Leaf-stalks are up to 1-5 cm long. Seedpods are 6-16 cm x 8-10 mm
long, hairless, tapering. Siberian Swallow-Wort is found in E Türkiye
to SW Siberia, N China and West Himalaya. Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Viktor Björkert
Photographed in Ladakh.
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