Shrubby Eranthemum
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Shrubby Eranthemum
P Native Photo: N Arun Kumar
Common name: Shrubby Eranthemum
Botanical name: Eranthemum suffruticosum    Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Eranthemum barlerioides, Daedalacanthus suffruticosus

Shrubby Eranthemum is a small shrub, and of slow growth. Stem and branches sub-erect, jointed; the younger somewhat 4-sided and a little hairy. Leaves are opposite, short-stalked, oblong, and ovate-oblong, somewhat wavy, smooth on both sides. Flowers are borne at branch-ends, flowers opposite. Bract are three-fold, one-flowered, the exterior large, wedge-shaped, and naked, the interior daggered. Flower-tube is as long as the exterior bracts. Limb is regularly five parted, pale blue. Stamens are two, anthers half hid in the flower-tube. Shrubby Eranthemum is found in NE India to Myanmar, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Identification credit: N Arun Kumar Photographed in North Andaman.

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