Shoe-Lip Dendrobium is a small to medium sized, cool
to warm growing orchid growing on tree trunks. Flowers are borne on
short flower-cluster-stalks from the nodes of leafless stems, 2 cm
across, often solitary but also seen with two or three together,
fleshy, sepals and petals white with pale pink margins, sepals three
and petals one veined. Lip white with a large, prominent pale yellow
spot of its middle portion. Sepals and petals broadly oblong. Lip is
obovate, broad, almost round, with wavy edges. The plant has nearly
erect to hanging, round, striped, many-noded stems, up to 45 cm long,
each covered with a papery sheath, and carrying 5 to 9, oblong to
narrowly lanceshaped, pointed leaves. Shoe-Lip Dendrobium is found in
Hainan China, Bangladesh, Himalayas, Nepal, Sikkim, Western
Ghats, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, at elevations of
600-2100 m.
Identification credit: Pankaj Kumar
Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.
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