Scarlet Beard-Tongue
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Scarlet Beard-Tongue
E Introduced Photo: Thingnam Girija
Common name: Scarlet Beard-Tongue, Hartweg's beardtongue
Botanical name: Penstemon hartwegii    Family: Plantaginaceae (Isabgol family)
Synonyms: Penstemon puniceus, Penstemon giganteus

Scarlet Beard-Tongue is an evergreen plant that can reach a height of 30-70 cm. This bushy plant has simple, narrow, fleshy, mid-green leaves and racemes of bell-shaped bright-red, purple or crimson flowers, up to 4 cm long, with white markings inside a wide throat. Pairs of stalkless leaves arise opposite one another on straight, stiff stems. The rounded-bottom blades bnear no indentations along their margins, and no teeth. The plant blooms in summer and early autumn. Scarlet Beard-Tongue is native to Mexico, cultivated worldwide.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in cultivation.

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