Roundleaf Begonia
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Roundleaf Begonia
P Native Photo: Preetha P.S.
Common name: Roundleaf Begonia
Botanical name: Begonia arnottiana    Family: Begoniaceae (Begonia family)
Synonyms: Diploclinium arnottianum

Roundleaf Begonia is a perennial stemless herb, with tuber rounded. It has for long been confused with Begonia cordifolia. Leaves are 6-20 x 4-23 cm, ovate or round, deeply heart-shaped at base, blunt or notched at tip, rounded toothed at margin, sparsely hairy and blotched above; leaf-stalk erect to rising up, 5-20 cm long, pinkish. Flowering stems are a few per axil, bearing up to 10 flowers. Male flowers have 4 tepals, the outer round, up to 1.5 cm wide, flat or heart-shaped at base, inner inverted-lanceshaped, rounded at tip. Stamens are about 45, fused at base. Female flowers have 3-4 tepals, semipersistent on capsule, outer pair round, up to 1.7 cm wide, hairless, inner unequal, 1.2 x 0.5 cm, obovate-oblong. Ovary is 0.6-2 x 0.5-1.5 cm including the wings; styles 3, fused at base, stigma papillose. Capsule is thick, whitish. Roundleaf Begonia is endemic to Southern Western Ghats.

Identification credit: Arun TR Photographed in Shenduruni forests, Kollam, Kerala.

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