Pink Jasmine
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Pink Jasmine
P Native Photo: Anil Thakur
Common name: Pink Jasmine • Nepali: चिनिया चमेली Chiniya Chameli, लहरे जाई Lahare Jaai
Botanical name: Jasminum dispermum    Family: Oleaceae (Jasmine family)

Pink Jasmine is a woody climber, with many fragrant pinkish-white flowers in drooping clusters at branch-ends and in leaf-axils. Flowers with a pink flower-tube 1-1.5 cm long, and 5 shorter oblong-rounded lobes spreading to 8 mm, which are white on the inside. Calyx is about 3 mm, cup-shaped with triangular teeth. The vine has pinnate leaves with 3-5 leathery leaflets. Terminal leaflet is much longer 8-10 cm, Leaves at ends of branches often have only one leaflet. Fruits are elliptic about 1.3 cm long, dark purple. Pink Jasmine is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to SW China, SE Asia, at altitudes of 900-2500 m. Flowering: April-May.

Identification credit: Anil Thakur Photographed in Solan, Himachal Pradesh.

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