Pale Trumpet Coneflower
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Pale Trumpet Coneflower
P Native Photo: Thingnam Girija
Common name: Pale Trumpet Coneflower
Botanical name: Strobilanthes wallichii    Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Pteracanthus alatus, Ruellia alata, Strobilanthes atropurpurea var. wallichii

Pale Trumpet Coneflower is a gregarious, basally woody, up to 60 cm, undershrub with 4-angled, velvet-hairy or hairless twigs. Flowers are pale-blue, 2.5-3.5 cm long, paired or solitary in lax, monochasial spikes. Flower tube cylindrical, nearly straight or slightly curved, limb about 1.5-1.8 cm across, lobes short, blunt. Sepals are linear-lanceshaped, 7-8 mm long, hairless except the glandular hairy tips, enlarged to about 2.5 cm in fruit, somewhat pointed. Bracts are persistent, leafy, ovate, 8-10 mm long, becoming hairless; bracteoles linear-oblong or absent. Leaf-stalks are up to 5 cm long, winged or the upper most leaves stalkless. Leaves are membranous, elliptic-oblong to lanceshaped, 3-12 x 0.8-5 cm. almost hairless on both sides, basally narrowed or upper ones heart-shaped, rounded toothed-sawtoothed, long tapering. Capsule oblong, 1.2-1.6 cm long, hairless, 4-seeded; Seeds ovate, about 3 nun long, hairy. Pale Trumpet Coneflower is found in E. Afghanistan to the Himalayas to S. China and N. Indo-China, Taiwan, at altitudes of 1200-3600 m.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand & Narkanda, Himachal Pradesh.

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