Palash Lata
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Palash Lata
P Native Photo: Sanjay Karkare
Common name: Palash Lata • Hindi: बेल पलाश Bel-palash, केसु Kesu, किमसुका Kimsuka, पलासलता Palaslata • Kannada: ಬಳ್ಳಿಮುತ್ತುಗ Balli-muttaga, Dagadar, Ippaarathi, ಕೈತಿ Kaithi, ಮುಳ್ಳುಮುತ್ತುಗ Mullu mutthuga • Malayalam: Palas-vel, Valli-murukka • Marathi: Palasavel • Sanskrit: Latapalasa, Palasha-niryasam • Tamil: Kodi-murukkam • Telugu: Baaranki chettu, Tige-palashamu
Botanical name: Butea superba    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Rudolphia superba

Palash Lata is large woody climber, climbing from left to right, trunk attaining 60-90 cm in girth, up to 15 m high. Flowers are orange to scarlet, borne in profuse racemes on leafless branches, racemes often 25-30 cm long. Sepal-cup is bell-shaped, teeth lanceshaped, velvety. Flowers much protrude out, standard pointed, recurved; wings adnate to a curved keel. Bark is deep brown. Leaves are 3-foliate; leaflets with stiff short hairs, 32.5-40 x 20-30 cm, base rounded, obovate, the lateral areas asymmetrical, hairy on the nerves beneaty. Leaf-stalks are 15-45 cm long; leaflet-stalk of the lateral leaflets 1.5 cm long, of the end leaflet up to 9 cm. Pod stalked, 12-15cm long, 1-seeded. Palash Lata is found from India to Indo-China.

Identification credit: Sanjay Karkare Photographed in Melghat Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra.

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