Opposite-Leaf Solomon Seal is a perennial herb with
arching, almost vertical stems with leathery, opposite, shiny leaves.
The plant is often found growing on other plants. Oppositely arranged
ovate-lancelike, pointed leaves are rounded at the base, shining above,
and short stalked, 6-11 x 1.5-3.5 cm. Flowers are small, greenish
white, 1.2-1.5 cm long, in 3-8 flowered clusters hanging in leaf axils.
Flowers are cylindric in shape, with tiny triangular lobes at the tip.
Berries are scarlet, ovoid-elliptic. Opposite-Leaf Solomon Seal is is
found in Nepal to East Himalaya, Tibet, at altitudes of 1800-2200 m.
Flowering: April-June.
Identification credit: Saroj Kasaju, Aaron Floden
Photographed in Lava, Kalimpong, West Bengal.
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