Nepal Voodoo Lily is an erect arum with spathe large,
spadix stout exposed. Flowers appear before the leaves, with an
unpleasant smell. Spathe is large, green, or pale yellow to brown,
oblong-boat-shaped 30-46 cm; spadix exposed, very stout, with a rounded
tip covered with swellings, green changing to yellow, 13-25 cm long by
2-3 cm broad. Male flowers are in a zone 5-13 cm wide; female flowers
below, in a zone 1-2.5 cm wide; appendage 8-10 cm. Leaf-blade is large
30-40 crn across, three times divided into ovate to oblong-lanceshaped
long-pointed leaflets, 8-13 cm; leaf-stalk very stout, to 40 cm. Tuber
10- 13 crn across. Nepal Voodoo Lily is found in the Himalayas, from C.
Nepal to Sikkim and NE India, at altitudes of 600-1800 m. Forests,
shrubberies. Flowering: April-May.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Leimaram, Manipur.
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