Maroon Branch Cotoneaster is a shrub or small tree, 3-6 m tall.
Branchlets are robust, purplish red to purplish black, round and shining.
Leaf stalks are 5-7 mm. Leaves are oblong-lanceshaped to oblong-invert-
lanceshaped 4-9 cm long, 1.5-3.3 cm broad, lateral veins 7-10 pairs.
Leaves are glaucous on the underside and the tip pointed or long-pointed.
Small white flowers are borne in compound corymbs 3-6 × 3-5.5 cm, densely
many flowered. Flower-stalks are 2-3 mm. Flowers are 7-8 mm across. Sepals
are ovate-triangular, 1-2 mm, pointed. Petals are spreading, white, ovate
or circular, 2.5-3 × 2-3 mm, base shortly clawed. Stamens are 20, unequal
in length, anthers purple. Styles are 2, free, somewhat not exceeding
stamens. Fruit is is a red berry, 4-5 mm in diameter. This shrub is found
on Rocky slopes, dense forests in SW China and Arunachal Pradesh, at
altitudes 1600-3000 m. Flowering: June-July.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh.
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