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Common name: Markhamia, Siala
Botanical name: Markhamia lutea    Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)

Native to Africa, Markhamia was named in the honor of botanist C. Robert Markham (1830-1916), who worked in India. Evergreen small tree of 4-5 m in height in culture, although reaches more than 10 ms in its zones of origin. Leaves, of 20-30 cm in length, normally arranged in groups in the ends of the branches. Flowers in terminal clusters. They trumpet shaped, yellow in color, with orange-reddish spots in the throat. They measure 5-6 cm in length. Fruit is a capsule, of up to 70 cm in length, with abundant winged seeds. It is propagated by seeds.

Identification credit: Nandan Kalbag Photographed in Delhi & Bangalore.

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