Manipur Wax Flower is a perennial herb which can grow
up to 1 m, but is usually smaller in cultivation. It is hairless except
for young parts and flowers. Stems and branches are straw colored,
striped. Leaf-stalks are about 2 mm, with 2 or 3 glands grouped above.
Leaves are inverted-triangular, inverted-heart-shape or obovate, 2-3 x
1.5-2.5 cm, fleshy, somewhat leathery when dry, base wedge-shaped, tip
almost flat, lateral veins obscure. Flower-clusters are stalkless or
nearly so. Flower-stalks are 0.3-5.5 cm, velvet-hairy. Sepals are
ovate-oblong, about 1.5 x 1 mm, hairy. Flowers are hairy, tube about 6
x 3 mm; petals triangular, about 1.5 x 1 mm, erect. Margins of corona
lobes meet at middle. Seed-pods are linear-lanceshaped, about 6.5 cm x
4 mm. Manipur Wax Flower is native to E. Nepal to NE India, China and
SE Asia. Flowering: July-September.
Identification credit: Susheela Laipubam
Photographed in cultivation in Imphal, Manipur.
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