Large-Sepal Sticky Balsam is a herb, 0.5-1 m high,
branched, rooting at lower nodes; stems angled. Leaves are alternate,
elliptic-lanceshaped, sawtoothed at margin, 5-8 cm long, velvet-hairy
beneath; nerves stiff-hairy on both surfaces. Flowers are borne in leaf
axils, in umbels or racemes, deep pink or light purple, carried on
flower-cluster-stalks 5-10 cm long, sticky; flower-stalks are sticky
too. Lateral sepals are nearly round, as long as the upper petal. Lower
sepals (Lip) is boat-shaped; spur long, incurved. Distal lobes of wings
are large, nearly round. Capsules is ellipsoid, hairless, not
splitting open, about 8 mm long, tip beaked, swollen. Seeds are many,
spherical or oval, about 1.5 mm across, hairy, brown. Large-Sepal
Sticky Balsam is endemic to Southern Western Ghats.
Flowering: April-December.