Large-Leaf Pongam Creeper is a woody climber with
imparipinnately compound leaves, about 20-25 cm long, and greenish
yellow, velvet-hairy flowers. Flowers have a vexillum about 8-12 mm
long. Sepal-cup is about 3 mm long, densely hairy, teeth small. Ovary
appressly silky. Flower-racemes are about 10-30 cm long. Flower-stalks
are about 3 mm long. Stipules are persistent, about 7 mm long. Leaflets
are 7-9, 8-16 cm long, ovate-oblong, tip shortly tapering, appressly
silky on both sides; leaflet-stalk about 4 mm long, stipels about 1-2
mm long, falling off. Fruit is up to 15 cm long, 3 cm broad, velvety,
becoming somewhat hairless, about 8-seeded. Roots are used as fish
poison. Roots are also insect repellent, and their extract is rubbed on
cattle to keep flies away. Large-Leaf Pongam Creeper is found in the
Himalayas, from Kashmir to Bhutan, NE India, Indo-China and South
India. Flowering: March-June.
Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma
Photographed in Bhambla, Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh.
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