Lanceleaf Leptodermis is an erect shrub, with stem
and branches hairless or rough. Leaves are ovate-elliptic or
lanceshaped, membranous or rigid, hairy or rough above, somewhat
velvety beneath, 1.5-10 x 0.7-4 cm. Leaf-stalk is 3-6 mm long,
stipules appressed, long-pointed and hairy. Flowers are borne in
head-like clusters on branch ends or in lateral cymes. Flowers are
white, hairless outside, 4-6-merous, 1.2-1.8 cm long. Bracts are tubular; bracteoles
ciliate, about 4 mm long, hairless or minutely hairy. Sepals are
triangular and pointed, fringed. Flowers are 7-9 mm long, petals about
7.5 mm across. Capsules are 7-8 mm long, cylindrical, black. Seeds
fusiform, enclosed in loose fibrous hairs. Lanceleaf Leptodermis is
found in Temperate Himalayas, from Kashmir to Nepal, Bhutan and Assam,
at altitudes of 2000-3500 m.
Flowering: May-June.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
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