Common name: King White Mulberry, Himalayan Mulberry, Long-fruited mulberry, Pakistan mulberry • Assamese: Bola • Hindi: शहतूत Shahtoot • Manipuri: কব্রঙচাক অঙৌবা Kabrangchak • Mizo: Hmubelbing • Nepali: किम्बु Kimbu • Tamil: கம்பிளிச Kambli chedi
Botanical name:Morus macrouraFamily:Moraceae (Mulberry family) Synonyms: Morus alba var. laevigata, Morus laevigata
King White Mulberry is a small to large tree, growing up to 10 m tall with
a dense crown. Trunk is1.5-2 m in circumference, with grey smooth bark,
young shoots long soft hairy. Leaves are carried on 2.5-4.5 cm long,
velvety stalk. Leaves are ovate or round-ovate, 7-15 cm long, 3-10 cm
broad, sparsely velvety to hairless, margins finely toothed. The closely
toothed margin and long drooping catkins distinguish it from White Mulberry. Male catkins are 5-10 cm
long including a slender 1.5 cm long, velvety stalk, densely hairy. Female
catkins are cylindric, 5-12 cm long including 2 cm long stalk, pendulous,
lax-flowered, almost hairless. Fruit is long and juicy, and is eaten.
King White Mulberry is found at altitudes of 1200-1700 m in the Himalayas,
from Kumaun to Bhutan. It is cultivated elsewhere. Flowering: March-April.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Ashok Vihar, Delhi.
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