Kerala Ceropegia is a hairy twiner with leaves up to
15 x 1.5 cm, linear-oblong, pointed to tapering, hairless above;
leaf-stalk up to 5 mm long. Flowers are borne singly or in pairs, in
leaf-axils, dark brown, up to 8 cm long; flower-cluster-stalk 4 cm
long; bracts subulate; flower-stalk up to 1 cm long. Sepals up to 10 x
1 mm, linear; flower tube 3.5 cm long, funnel shaped above, narrowed
below and slightly dialated at base; petals 4 cm long, spirally twisted
in bud, lanceshaped, tapering, hairy inside and along the margins,
deeply depressed at midrib; outer corona shallowly divided, 3 mm
across, lobes triangular, pointed, hairy; inner corona 1.5 mm long,
spoon-shaped. Kerala Ceropegia is endemic to Southern Western Ghats.
Flowering: June-September.
Identification credit: Saroj Kasaju
Photographed at Vannappuram, Idukki, Kerala.
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