Indian Yellow Dayflower is a prostrate hairless herb.
Leaves are 3-5 x 1-1.5 cm, linear-lanceshaped or linear-oblong, tip
pointed, base blunt, margin fringed with hairs; sheath up to 5 cm,
fringed with hairs. Flower-cluster-stalks are slender, up to 2-4 cm,
rough, velvet-hairy. Spathe is 1-2 x 5-1 cm, ovate-lanceshaped,
tapering, base deeply heart-shaped. Flowers are yellow, about 2 cm
across; sepals 3-4 x 3 mm, ovate, blunt. Petals are up to 10 x 5 mm;
stamens 3; ovary spherical, 2-ovuled. The paired petals are
kidney-shaped, yellow, medial petals small rounded or boat shaped,
white or faint yellow; stamens 3, filaments yellow, anthers ellipsoid,
brown; staminodes 3, yellow, antherodes cross-shaped. Capsules are
spherical, 5 x 3 mm, not splitting open. Indian Yellow Dayflower is
apparently endemic to southern India: Tamil Nadu, Kerala. Flowering:
Identification credit: Mohanan M.P.
Photographed near Nemmara, Palakkad distt. Kerala.
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