Hornet Bulb-Leaf Orchid
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Hornet Bulb-Leaf Orchid
P Native Photo: Jambey Tsering
Common name: Hornet Bulb-Leaf Orchid
Botanical name: Bulbophyllum crabro    Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Synonyms: Monomeria barbata, Monomeria crabro, Epicranthes barbata

Hornet Bulb-Leaf Orchid is a miniature sized, rock-dwelling and occasional tree-dwelling orchid with 7-9 cm between each smooth, ovoid to pear shaped pseudobulb carrying a single, apical, erect, leathery, strap shaped, obliquely blunt apically, stalked base leaf. The plant blooms in the winter and early spring on a basal, erect to arching, 30-45 cm long, flexuous, 10-15 flowered inflorescence. Flowers are yellow, striped with brown, looking like hornets sitting on a branch. Dorsal sepal is erect, ovate, concave, about 15 x 5 mm, tip pointed; lateral sepals lanceshaped, about 20 x 7 mm, above densely bristly, tip tapering. Petals are obliquely triangular, about 3 x 2.5 mm, tip pointed. Lip is 3-lobed; lateral lobes nearly nearly round; mid-lobe somewhat larger, tip blunt; basal ears narrowly sickle shaped; disk with 2 membranous lamellae. Hornet Bulb-Leaf Orchid is found in Northeast India, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, at altitudes of 600-2200 m.

Identification credit: 600 to 2200 m Photographed in Arunachal Pradesh.

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