Himalayan Rock Pincushion
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Himalayan Rock Pincushion
P Native Photo: N Arun Kumar
Common name: Himalayan Rock Pincushion • Ladakhi: ཏགརཀན Tagarakan
Botanical name: Thylacospermum caespitosum    Family: Caryophyllaceae (Carnation family)
Synonyms: Arenaria caespitosa, Arenaria rupicola

Himalayan Rock Pincushion is a large hard compact cushion-forming plant found at very high altitudes, with tiny densely overlapping triangular pointed leaves, the cushions up to 30 cm across or more. Flowers are solitary, white, about 2.5 mm across. Leaves are 2-5 rnrn, shining, hairless, with sharp-pointed tips. Capsules are globular, shining leathery. Himalayan Rock Pincushion is is found on screes, stony slopes, from Pakistan to East Himalaya, Tibet, C. Asia, at altitudes of 4800-5700 m. Flowering: June-July.

Identification credit: N Arun Kumar Photographed in Sikkim.

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