Gucchha Irid Amri is an orchid which grows on other trees. It is a herb
5-10 cm tall. Sheathed stem is short. Leaves are mostly two, or with a
smaller one between the two, 3-9 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide. Leaves are
tapering at the base and 2-lobed at the tip. Flowers arise in corymbs or
umbels at the end of a 3-5 cm long stalk. Flowers are greenish white,
about 1.5 cm across. Sepals and petals are 6-7 X 3-4 mm, pale green. The
lips is white and fleshy. Lateral lobes are small, streaked with red. Mid
lobe is 3x6 mm, white, semicircular. Spur is conical, fleshy, 3.5 mm long,
white with red streaks.
Flowering: May-June.
Identification credit: Ajinkya Gadave
Photographed in Maharashtra & Karnataka.
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