Grey Echeveria
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Grey Echeveria
P Introduced Photo: Gary Thingnam
Common name: Grey Echeveria
Botanical name: Echeveria grisea    Family: Crassulaceae (Sedum family)

Grey Echeveria is a low-growing rosette forming fleshy herb. Although considered less attractive than other related species, its flowers are a lovely pink color and quite decorative. Stem is evident, usually short, unbranched, 2-3 cm thick. Leaves are about 12, forming a lax rosette, 10-15 cm long, 5-8 cm broad, broadly obovate-spoon-shaped, at tip rounded and minutely mucronulate, thick, flat or very slightly concave above, at base narrowed into short leaf-stalk 1.8 cm wide. Leaves are powdery, with a greyish look. Flowers are borne in up to 50 cm tall, panicles, with 3-5 short, often few-flowered branches. Flower-cluster-stalks are stout, erect; bracts numerous, rising up, oblong-obovate,. Upper bracts are linear, round, very turgid. Bracts as the leaves green, powdery, occasionally spotted deep purplish. Flowers-stalks are stout, up to 4 mm long. Sepals almost bequal, longest up to 7 mm long, widely spreading, thick and round, linear-ovate, obtusish. Flowers are conoid-urn-shaped, up to 1.3 cm long, 9 mm in basal diameter, 6 mm wide at mouth, pink outside at base, at edges and tips of petals straw­berry-pink, inside pale seashell-pink. Petals thick and fleshy, nearly straight, bluntly keeled, with prominent basal hollow inside. Stamens 7 mm long. Nectaries narrowly crescent-shaped-kidney-shaped, to 2.5 mm broad. Styles pink to carmine. Grey Echeveria is native to Central Mexico, cultivated elsewhere.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in cultivation in Imphal, Manipur.

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