Forked Fimbry
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Forked Fimbry
P Native Photo: Ankush Dave
Common name: Forked Fimbry, Eight day grass • Nepali: पानी मोथे Pani Mothe
Botanical name: Fimbristylis dichotoma    Family: Cyperaceae (Sedge family)
Synonyms: Eleocharis dichotoma, Isolepis dichotoma, Scirpus dichotomus

Forked Fimbry is a greyish green, denselt clustered perennial grass, 30-60 cm. Stems are 0.7-1.2 mm in diameter, deeply grooved, hairless. Leaves are up to about half of stem length; sheaths open, scarious side slightly villose, mouth margin fringed with hairs; ligule a dense fringe of hairs; blades 1-3 mm wide, flat, sometimes slightly incurved, margins scabrous, esp. towards tip. Inflorescence is 2-6 cm diameter, with 6-50, mostly solitary, occasionally geminate spikes; lowest bract leaf-like, as long as or longer than inflorescence. Spikes are 4.5-8 x 2.5-3.5 mm, ovoid, round, pointed, light brown to brown; glumes leathery, widely ovate, occasionally slightly keeled, apiculate, apical parts hairless. Forked Fimbry is found throughout the Tropical & Subtropical world. It is also found in the Himalayas, up to altitudes of 2100 m. Flowering: August-October.

Identification credit: Saroj Kasaju Photographed in Gonda, Uttar Pradesh.

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