Field Snoutbean
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Field Snoutbean
P Native Photo: Rakesh Singh
Common name: Field Snoutbean, Bracted Snoutbean • Telugu: అడవి చిక్కుడు Advi Chekkudu
Botanical name: Rhynchosia bracteata    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Rhynchosia arvensis, Atylosia candicans

Field Snoutbean is a twinning herb with slender, woody branches, densely grey velvet-hairy. Leaf stalks are 2.5-5 cm long, stiff. Leaves are trifoliate with leaflets rhomboid-round, thick, leathery, greenish, thinly velvet-hairy above, densely so beneath. The end leaflet is ovate long-pointed, 7-10 cm long. Flower-cluster-stalks are equal to or longer than the leaf-stalks. Flower-stalks 3-6 mm long, bracts lanceshaped, falling off. Sepal cup is 1.2-1.8 cm long, densely silky, teeth linear-bristly, the lowest longest, 2-4 times as long as the tube. Flowers are 1.2 cm, standard petal grey-velvety outside. Pods are oblique, oblong, firm, 2.5-4 cm long, 1.2 cm broad, 2-seeded. Field Snoutbean is found in India to SE Asia.

Identification credit: Rakesh Singh Photographed in Surat, Gujarat.

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