East-Asian Wild Berry
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East-Asian Wild Berry
E Native Photo: N Arun Kumar
Common name: East-Asian Wild Berry • Assamese: Seketia
Botanical name: Maesa ramentacea    Family: Primulaceae (Primrose family)
Synonyms: Baeobotrys ramentacea, Maesa lanceolata, Maesa acuminata

East-Asian Wild Berry is a shrub or tree, 1.5-5 m tall. Branchlets are angular, hairless, minutely warty; pith solid. Leaf-stalk are about 1 cm, leaves ovate to elliptic-lanceshaped, 8-16 x 2.5-5.5 cm, papery, hairless, base rounded, blunt, to broadly wedge-shaped, margin entire or wavy, tip pointed or long tapering; lateral veins 5-8 on each side of midrib, not united into marginal vein. Flowers are borne in leaf-axils or sometimes almost at branch-ends, in panicles, many branched, 4-10 cm, minutely glandular granulose. Racemes vary from being half to twice as long as the leaves. Flowers are white, about 2 mm. Flower-stalk 1-2 mm. Sepals united about 1/2 their length, ovate or broadly so. Flowers are united into a short tube, about 1.5 mm, not dotted, hairless; petals as long as tube, kidney-shaped or round, rounded, margin wavy. Fruit is yellowish, spherical, 2-3 mm, orange dotted-lineate or veined. East-Asian Wild Berry is found in Nepal to East-Himalaya to China, and SE Asia, including Andaman Isl. Flowering: January-March.

Identification credit: N Arun Kumar Photographed in Kalpong, North Andaman.

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