Diverging-Pair Coneflower
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Diverging-Pair Coneflower
P Native Photo: Biswanath Mondal
Common name: Diverging-Pair Coneflower
Botanical name: Strobilanthes divaricata    Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Ruellia divaricata, Goldfussia divaricata

Diverging-Pair Coneflower is a branched undershrub 10-50 cm. Flowers are borne in opposite pairs (sometimes solitary) on slender branchlets in leaf-axils, forming a lax spike. Flowers are deep purple (rarely white), hairless, 3.1-3.7 cm, tube straight or curved, gradually widened to about 1 cm at mouth. Sepal-cup is 0.8-1.5 cm, sepals linear-lanceshaped, tapering, nearly equal, hairless when young, hairy at tips later. Bracts are elliptic, 2-5 mm, not lasting long; bracteoles obovate, 1-2 mm, not lasting long. Stems are dark green, hairless, often zigzag above, erect from a creeping root-stock. Leaves are very unequal, 1-15 x 0.5-4.5 cm, obscurely minutely toothed, hairless, smaller leaves ovate, pointed, rounded at base, stalkless, often deciduous. Larger leaves are broadly lanceshaped-elliptic, tapering, wedge-shaped at base, nearly stalkless or with leaf-stalks up to 3 mm. Capsule is 1.2-1.3 cm, hairless. Diverging-Pair Coneflower is found from Nepal to East Himalaya.

Identification credit: John Wood Photographed in Lava, Kalimpong, West Bengal.

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