Coastal Spinegrass is a perennial grass with stolon-forming stems, hard,
stout, many-noded, rooting and copiously branching at nodes. Flowering
shoots ascend u[ to 1-3 ft. Leaves are very tough, inrolled, curved, 5-20
× 0.2-0.3 cm, margins rough, tip spiny.Ligule is densely ciliate. Male
flowers are borne in 2-5 clustered round heads 5-10 × 6-8 cm. Racemes are
3-6 cm, bearing 5-10 loosely imbricate spikelets. Female inflorescences is
round. 20-35 cm in diameter. Racemes are covered with needle-like 10-18 cm
rachis. Female spikelets are lanceolate-oblong, 1-2 cm, pointed. Glumes
are oblong-lanceolate, lower glume many-veined, upper glume 7-9-veined.
This species is an efficient sand binder, forming large colonies and
stabilizing dunes. The female inflorescences act as tumbleweeds. The seeds
within are dispersed as the spiky head is transported along the coast by
wind and sea.