Checkered-Leaf Goodyera is a terrestrial orchid up to
20 cm tall. Stem is hairless, 6-8 cm long. Leaves are 3-5 cm long, 3-5,
nearly equal, stalked; blade flattened, ovate, pointed, hairless,
dorsally pale green checkered with olive green, 4.5-7.5 cm long;
stalked keeled, with wide, flattened, base. Inflorescence is erect,
velvet-hairy, curved, one-sider, 12-to 15-flowered; axis 8-10 cm long;
floral bracts elongate-ovate, boat-shaped, pointed to tapering, 2-2.5
cm long. Flowers have pinkish-white petals. Dorsal sepal 3-veined,
elliptic, blunt, about 1 x 0.5-0.8 cm wide. Petals are membranous, 5 mm
long. Lip is elongate, 3-veined, 0.8-1 cm long; base sac-like, tip
reflexed, pointed. Checkered-Leaf Goodyera is found in East Himalaya to
SE Tibet.
Identification credit: Jambey Tsering
Photographed in Sessa Orchid Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh.
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