Broad-Leaf Gymnostachyum is a subshrub, with small
warts on the stem. Leaves are 9-12 x 5-6 cm, broadly elliptic,
long-pointed, hairless. Nerves are 10-13 pairs, nervules parallel.
Leaf-stalks are 5-6 cm long. Flowers are borne in panicles in leaf
axils and at branch ends, minutely bristly. Bracts and bracteoles are
similar, linear. Flowers are densely packed, stalked. Sepals are 5.5 mm
long, lanceshaped, basally united. Flower tube is 1.5 cm long,
greenish-yellow, petals oblong, blunt. Stamen filaments are thinly
hairy at base. Capsule is 2 x 0.2 cm, linear-oblong, pointed. Seeds are
ovoid, golden brown, densely hairy. Broad-Leaf Gymnostachyum is found
in the evergreen forests of the Western Ghats.
Flowering: February-November.
Identification credit: Shrikant Ingalhalikar
Photographed near Jog Falls, Karnataka.
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