Bracted Premna is a tree about 13 m tall, with
branchlets and inflorescences densely dusty yellow to gray velvety.
Branchlets are purple-brown, with sparse oblong to linear lenticels,
almost becoming hairless, nodes with a prominent leaf scar. Leaf-stalks
are 1.5-2 cm; leaf blade elliptic to broadly ovate, 6.5-17 X 5.5-10 cm,
subleathery, below velvet-hairy, above shiny, base subrounded, tip
abruptly tapering; veins 6-8 pairs, midvein below very prominent.
Flowers are borne in spike-like thyrses with stalkless cymes laxly
arranged on axis; bracts ovate, about 5 x 2 mm, minutely woolly.
Sepal-cup is about 2 mm, 2-lipped; lips entire, yellowish velvety.
Flower protrude from sepal-cup, 4-petalled, tube about 2 mm, hairy in
throat. Stamens and style protruding; filaments hairless. Fruit is
spherical, 1.5-2 mm in diameter. Bracted Premna is found in mixed
forests at altitudes of 600-1300 m, in Nepal to NE India to China (S.
Yunnan). Flowering: May.
Identification credit: J.M. Garg
Photographed in Reiek, Mizoram.
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