Andaman Jewel Orchid is a terrestrial orchid 30-45 cm
tall, with stem stout in its lower half, rooting at the base.
Flower-spikes are 7-15 cm long, many- but rather laxly-flowered.
Flowers are 5-6 mm long floral bract sparsely finely velvet-hairy,
about as long as the finely velvet-hairy ovary, broadly ovate,
1-nerved, its edges erose, with a long tapering tip. Dorsal sepal is
broadly ovate-elliptic, concave, somewhat pointed ; the lateral pair
narrower, pointed, not spreading. Petals are narrower than the sepals,
elliptic, somewhat pointed, connivent with the dorsal sepal to form a
hood covering the column. Lip is longer than the sepals ; the hypochile
globularly saccate and having a prominent incurved tooth near the base
within each margin ; mesochile constricted ; epichile deeply divided
into two broadly-oblong diverging lobes with flat minutely erose tips,
the broad sinus with a minute point in its tip. Flower-cluster-stalks
of the spike are slender, elongate, with sparse thin hairs, and bearing
3 or 4 distant scarious narrowly tubular bracts about 1.2 cm length.
Leaves are 4 to 10, scattered over the lower half of the stem,
lanceshaped, pointed, the leaf-stalk very short and expanding into a
short wide scarious sheath ; length 3-5 cm, breadth 1.5-2 cm,
leaf-stalk about 2-3 mm. Andaman Jewel Orchid is endemic to Andaman
Identification credit: Navendu Pagé
Photographed in South Andaman.
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