Andaman Derris
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Andaman Derris
P Native Photo: N Arun Kumar
Common name: Andaman Derris
Botanical name: Derris andamanica    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Derris sinuata

Andaman Derris is a woody robust climber of the littoral forest; younger parts brown-velvet-hairy. Leaves are compound with leaflets 7-9, rarely 5, 8.0-12.5 x 5.0-7.0 cm, elliptic to oblong, blunt to flat at tip; leaflet-stalks 5-7 mm long. Flowers are borne in panicles 15-60 cm long, in leaf-axils and at branch-ends, axis and branchlets finely velvet-hairy to velvet-hairy. Flowers are 1.0-1.5 cm; flower-stalks 5-7 mm long. Flowers are yellowish white; vexillum ovato-round, 1.0-1.3 cm long, with falling off brown, silky hairs on its back; wings and keels silky velvet-hairy on their back. Sepal-cup is 3-5 mm, densely silky outside, entire to faintly toothed. Staminal sheath is 1.0-1.3 cm long, pistil 1.3 cm long, ovary 3-4-ovuled. Pods are 3.5-11.0 x 1.8-2.5 cm, netveined, unequally winged on both the sutures, 2-3- seeded. Andaman Derris is endemic to the Andaman Islands. Flowering: December-March.

Identification credit: N Arun Kumar Photographed in Redskin Island, South Andaman.

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