Alpine Catmint
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Alpine Catmint
P Native Photo: Krishan Lal
Common name: Alpine Catmint
Botanical name: Nepeta nivalis    Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Synonyms: Glechoma nivalis, Marmoritis nivalis, Phyllophyton nivale

Alpine Catmint is a perennial herb, hairy and glandular throughout. Flowers are bluish, upside down, 1.5-1.7 cm; tube protruding, gradually dilated at tip; middle lobe of apparent upper lip finely toothed; lateral lobes small, broadly ovate, lobes of apparent lower lip broadly ovate. Sepal-cup is dilated at tip, very slightly incurved, 8-10 mm, hairy annulate inside; teeth triangular to lanceshaped, narrow, 3-5 mm. Fowers are borne in cymes which are stalkless upward; flower-cluster-stalk 2-5 mm at mid inflorescence. Floral leaves are shorter than to almost as long as flower-cluster-stalk; bracts small, linear-subulate. Stems are 10-15 cm tall. Leaves are stalkless or nearly so; leaf blade circular, or circular-ovate to somewhat kidney-shaped, 1.5-2.2 x 1-2.4 cm, base rounded to somewhat heart-shaped, margin rounded toothed, tip rounded. Nutlets are oblong-ovoid, smooth, brown. Alpine Catmint is found on stony terrain in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to Nepal, Tibet, at altitudes of 4300-5500 m. Flowering: July-August.

Identification credit: Krishan Lal Photographed in Lahaul-Spiti distt, Himachal Pradesh.

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